okay listen creepy dude, just because i have a couple of tattoos, no, that doesn't mean that i want to hear your naked-bondage-lady-experience-and-subsequent-backpiece-tattoo story. that story is creepy, and you're like seventy years old. i just want to get into the bathroom and pee. please stop talking to me. no, i don't know rudy mapleton from new westminster who does tae kwon do. what the fuck kind of question is that. how are people seriously named rudy.
i hate having tattoos. the most common anti-tattoo talking point is "well they'll look silly when you're old and wrinkled !" but hey dummy, EVERYONE looks silly and wrinkled when they get old. and what a silly thing to say anyway because if you wanna see your future you may have to pay a price. because you may look in there and see how you're gonna die ! you may look in there and see what you're gonna look like when you're OLD and ROTTEN and SHRIVELED and MEAN and THROUGH !
you want a real argument against getting tattoos ? you want to get serious about stopping someone from getting tattoos ? mention all the fucking retards you'll have to talk to about tattoos. "hey bud, wherrd uhhhh.... wherrdja getcher paint ? hurrrrrrrrr.."
and i mean, there's no winning that conversation. you're not coming out on top in THAT one, are you kidding me ?! "oh, a friend of mine does my--"
"yeah man i got this one back home. pretty bitchin huh."
oh sure, yeah, totally bitchin. your quality-control-by-a-sleeping-retard tattoo is totally fucking bitchin. sure yeah man, tell me some more about it even though my body language is screaming my total disinterest in anything to do with you. oh yeah ? you've got big plans for a sleeve ? cool, i bet that'll fucking suck too ! hey here's a fun idea: why don't you take a hike, jerk.
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