SHED. woke up at 5.30, read conan stories for a while, then ran at 6.30. the streets are full of women power-walking and men in fight shorts running. i'm drenched with sweat within seconds, and the heavy heat is weighing on my lungs. i begin to wonder about the wisdom of an hour long run before a two hour class, but just i'm sinking into a "fuck. this is so fucking stupid." mindset, day breaks over a mountain and a smile washes over my face at the same time as the sunlight. the rays flicker through giant palm trees and the smile takes its time fading. the breeze off the lake cools my overheating engine and my stride begins to come more naturally.
class at 7.30. i don't know how many of these classes i'll be able to do on an empty stomach; probably going to want to pick up some fruit and hopefully protein powder somewhere eventually (ie. immediately). it's now 10am and i'm already 2.5L deep in water; i knew it would be hot but i start literally dripping sweat within a few minutes of being outside.
X growled and grunted at me every time i did something right, and when i fucked up he growled and grunted at me. i figured out his growl tones within a few mistakes (ie. during the first minute). by the end of the fifth round i'm growling back at him when i do something right and groaning at his growls when i fuck up. i like this dude a lot.
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